The terms and conditions set forth below are integral to the provision of services by Morningside Heights America to any customer or client (a “Client”). When you purchase services from MHA, you agree to these terms and conditions.
Legal Stuff
Terms of Service
This agreement is between Morningside Heights America LLC, (“MHA”) and its clients. Unless the context requires otherwise, Accepted and/or its assigns shall be referred to as “us, we, or our” and the client shall be referred to as “you or your.”
1) You acknowledge that you are the applicant, will write all essays and application materials, and are responsible for all aspects of the essays, resumes, and/or other documents. MHA does NOT write, draft, compose, or complete essays, and it does not “put notes together.”
2) You will not hold MHA, its officers, editors, and representatives liable for any denied admissions to any undergraduate, graduate or professional program or school or any denial of employment.
3) We have made NO representations about what our service will do for your chances of admission to any undergraduate, graduate or professional school or program or for your chances of employment at any institution, corporation, business, or government agency.
4) Accepted disclaims any and all implied or express warranties, including but not limited to, the essays’, resumes’, or letters’ fitness for a particular purpose and your fitness for any job or undergraduate, graduate or professional program.
5) All services are prepaid. MHA will not provide services unless you have first paid for the services and agreed to our Terms of Service.
6) MHA’s services can be divided into three categories, i.e., hourly plans and the following two types of flat-rate packages: “One Year-Application-Cycle Packages” and “Multi-Year Packages.”
7) You understand and agree to our refund policy, which is as follows:
8) Service Expiration: Unless you purchased a Multi-Year Package, all work must be completed within two years of purchase or you lose the unused portion of the services that you purchased.
9) You agree to pay Accepted a Missed Appointment Fee of $75 for each appointment that is missed entirely or cancelled by you less than two hours prior to the scheduled appointment time.
10) While we are happy to explain our services to parents or other potential payors, MHA does not work with parents, siblings, or other applicant proxies. Unless you are a recommender purchasing a letter of recommendation service or an applicant purchasing a letter of recommendation service for your recommender, our client is always the applicant.
11) Accepted reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
All website design, text, and graphics are the property of Morningside Heights America, LLC.
Copyright© 2018 by Morningside Heights America, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The stock photographs used as the basis for our custom graphics is Copyright © PhotoDisc. All Rights Reserved.
Permission to use the information on this website is granted subject to the following conditions:
“This information is provided by Morningside Heights America, LLC. Further information is available at or via e-mail at info@
Disclaimer of Responsibility, Inc. is providing this website and its contents on an “AS IS” basis and makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this site or its contents., Inc. disclaims all such representations and warranties, including for example warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, Morningside America, LLC. does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this site is accurate, complete, or current.
Neither Morningside Heights America, LLC nor any of its directors, employees, editors, or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including without limitation compensatory, direct, indirect, or consequential damages, loss of income or data, loss of or damage to property, and claims of third parties.
The services described herein are provided “AS IS” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event will, Inc. its officers, directors, employees, editors, and representatives be held liable for any damages of any kind, including without limitation compensatory, direct, indirect, or consequential damages, loss of income or data, loss of or damage to property, and claims of third parties arising from any clients’ rejection from any undergraduate, graduate, or professional program of any kind.
Price Change Policy
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Service and Trade Marks
The MHA logo and style marks are registered service marks of Morningside Heights America, LLC. All rights thereto are reserved.
This website contains links and references to products and services that may include affiliates, sponsorships, or other business relationships in which Morningside Heights America, LLC may receive compensation from referrals or sales actions.