• P.O. Box 2061 Princeton, New Jersey 08543
1.609.608.6258 Contact Us

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest 
of human blessings, and learn how by his own 
thought to derive benefit his illnesses.”
                                                                         ― Hippocrates



Welcome to Physician Bound! We are physicians and surgeons with expertise in the admissions process. We guide premedical students, medical students, residents and fellows in showcasing your best self to admissions committees and future employers. We are poised to share our insight with you on your journey through higher medical education. If you are exceptionally driven to serve your community and society as a physician, Physician Bound can help you reach your full potential.


Unless you are confident to tackle the admissions process alone from start to finish, I recommend that you consider acquiring expert advice. If you have pain in your stomach, you see an expert doctor. If you have car trouble, you call an expert mechanic. If you wish to enroll in a competitive medical school or post-graduate program, you will likely be greatly served receiving expert application strategy and essay word-smithing advice.


At Physician Bound, we are committed to support our clients through the complex admissions process. Do you need our help?